Specialisté podpory podnikání
Formanová Dominika, e-mail: ***
Pozice: Product Owner
Product owner is also responsible for vision of entrusted product, public representation/managing stakeholders and should serve as main contact for business and growth of product. All those items must be in alignment with ART and Company vision and strategy. Product owner should live in the field, working with customer feedback and data insights.
Pozice: Product Owner
:to drive ROI and Customer satisfaction of entrusted product. Product owner should be representing what and why should be done with product.Product owner is also responsible for vision of entrusted product, public representation/managing stakeholders and should serve as main contact for business and growth of product. All those items must be in alignment with ART and Company vision and strategy. Product owner should live in the field, working with customer feedback and data insights.
Informace o pozici
Plat: od 65 000 Kč/měs.
Vzdělání Středoškolské (maturita)
Pracovní poměr:
Aktualizováno: 2024-09-22T02:20:49.000000Z
Kontaktní osoba: Dominika Formanová
Podobné nabídky
200567_ referent v Oddělení vyměřovacím III, Odbor vyměřovací II
od 25 260 Kč/měs.
Praha (Hlavní město Praha)
SM 201119_referent v Oddělení vyměřovacím II Odbor vyměřovací II
od 25 260 Kč/měs.
Praha (Hlavní město Praha)